Traditional ayurvedic treatments

Posted in: Feature Stories on Saturday, 04 May 2013 09:47

The therapeutic aim of the herbal healing system of ayurveda is to bring about the required balance among the three doshas of vata, pitta and kapha. 

The period during the monsoons is said to be ideal for traditional ayurvedic treatments, like Panchkarma, Dhara and Kerala massage, as it helps to get rid of the toxins and wastes that have accumulated in the body during the preceding periods and seasons. This helps in  the prevention of diseases. In fact, the body is more prone to disease and dosha imbalance during the monsoons. According to ayurvedic texts, the body is more receptive to treatments during the monsoons as humidity is high and the pores of the body are open. The oil treatments are said to be suitable for the months of July and August as it helps to achieve better dosha balance. The removal of toxins also helps to activate the natural healing powers of both body and mind.

Panchkarma is one of the major healing techniques of Ayurveda, offering a systematic programme of revitalization. Panchkarma literally means ‘five actions’. Therefore, it involves a complex series of therapeutic steps, which help to flush out and eliminate toxins from every cell. Panchkarma helps in achieving better balance of the doshas (vata, pitta, kapha). These treatments are carried out under the supervision of an ayurvedic physician.

The art of Kerala massage has been nurtured and perfected by the Kairali system, which is world renowned for its therapeutic values. It is not only used in the treatment of many ailments, but also for revitalising and rejuvenating the body and mind. The herbalised oils used in the massage have potent curative properties. These treatments relieve mental stress, induce relaxation and also revitalise the metabolic processes. They improve blood circulation, tone the muscles and actually improve sense perceptions, mental processes and performance levels.

Dhara means ‘flow’ and here it specially signifies ‘downward flow’. It is a pre-Panchkarma therapy and helps to open the channels of  body and mind, in order to facilitate the treatment of disease. In Dhara, liquid medicaments, like herbalised oils, milk or ghee are placed in a bowl, hanging at an appropriate height above the body of the patient. The oils are chosen according to the dosha imbalance. The bowl is made of clay and has a hole in the centre of the base. The oil is then allowed to drip on to the forehead of the patient. This is known as Shirodhara. This treatment directly affects the central nervous system and is profoundly relaxing on the mind. The combination of Dhara and Kerala Massage helps to loosen the excess doshas, or toxins, and directs their flow towards the organs of elimination.

Ayurvedic treatments and dietary advice are all aimed at achieving balance.

Ayurveda advocates a diet that contains whole grains and enough fibre, so that it provides enough bulk to keep the digestive tract cleansed of toxins and wastes. Constipation and accumulation of toxins and wastes reflects on the skin, in terms of congestion, dull skin, blackheads and eruptions.

The diet should also be low in fat, to prevent clogging up of the arteries and veins. Proper blood circulation is imperative for good health and also for beauty. A low fat diet also helps to control weight gain.

According to Ayurveda, the daily diet should not contain refined sugars, which may give the body an energy boost, but it has a devitalising effect in the long run.

The diet should be high in minerals, which provide energy and vitality. Minerals also help the skin and hair.

Ayurveda says that we should keep to a diet that is low in animal protein, but high in vegetable protein. In fact, proteins are extremely important for the strength of the body. Excessive amounts of animal protein can increase toxins in the body and also slows down the digestive process. Vegetable proteins, on the other hands, not only nourish the body, but help the efficient elimination of wastes. Spices such as garlic, ginger, cumin seeds, pepper, aid the digestion of animal proteins.

Keep to a low salt diet. Excess salt leads to retention of fluid in the body and slows down circulation. Sometimes, it can make the face and area around eyes look puffy. For congested skin, a low salt diet is advocated.

Fresh, organic foods are recommended by Ayurveda, so that the body is supplied with nutrients. They not only contribute to good health, but give the skin a radiant glow.

During the monsoons, especially if there is excessive perspiration, Ayurveda gives some dietary suggestions:

Sip “nimbu paani.” Sip ginger tea before and after your meals. Chop fresh ginger root finely and mix with a pinch of salt. Chew a little of this before your meal. Sipping warm water with your meal may also help. Light diet and less spices are advised. Eat smaller meals.