Sparkle with ‘Surya Collection’ from

Hope, Happiness, Novelty and Optimism is what the Sun signifies and to represent the same, launches its all new radiant design collection ‘Surya’. Whether you feel like being elegant and feminine or self-indulgent and gleaming the Surya collection is dazzling, striking and effortlessly go with every woman’s mood.

The Surya collection from has been alluringly inspired by the bright and lustrous morning rays of the sun. The collection characterised by a ruby diamond surrounded by the sprinkled diamonds. A ruby symbolises the core form, which represents the fire of the sun and it is the centre highlight. The scattered diamonds around the ruby represent the rays of the sun.

A union of elegance, supreme beauty, the collection showcased sun shaped pendant and earring sets and are offered in variety of shapes and sizes. This extraordinary collection fits any occasion and will compliment well with ball gowns, cocktail dresses and will also accentuate the traditional Indian outfits. Their designs make this metaphorical collection an exquisite piece of work.

Most of the designs from’s Surya collection are in spherical shape representing the sun and the designs are in symmetrical pattern. CaratLane has used yellow gold, which represents the sun which is the brightest object for the Surya collection.

The collection offers an exclusive range of pendants, earrings and rings starting from
Rs.38, 000/- up to Rs.1, 36, 000/-

Available at:

Easy to shop options from – ordering jewellery on is extremely easy. Just log on to , select the product you like and place your order, and your purchase will be delivered to you at no extra cost. One can also visit the’s store in Chennai, Delhi and Hyderabad or even avail of the Try-At-Home option to select the best jewellery at ease. is one of India’s leading e-commerce company and one of the most visible online brands since its inception in October 2008. CaratLane was started with a mission to change the way diamonds and diamond jewellery is bought in India. In 4 short years, this vision is well on its way to being realised.'s diamond consultants are available 24X7 to take your questions. Just call them on their toll-free number 1-800-102-0103. Visit Caratlane at



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